Cash Bakery

Its actually my little kitchen that I experience all kinds of recipe that I come across. Its also the place where I make favourite food for my loved ones.


Saturday, 22 February 2014

Eggs Benedict with Parma Ham

Too late to go out for brunch? Why not whip up a simple eggs benedict at home ... Did this over the weekend... and enjoy it with orange juice...My boss is enjoying his breakfast in bed with his DOUBLE espresso else he will not get out of bed ever... Very simple... as long as you have the following ingredients.. 3 tbsp white wine vinegar 4 eggs 2 ...

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Yu Sheng ~ A Tradition during Chinese New Year

Today is Ren Ri "人日", the seventh day of Chinese New Year, which according to Chinese customs was the day human beings were created. Therefore today is everybody's birthday!!! And our practice here in Singapore and Malaysia is to eat YU SHENG, although nowadays we can eat it on any day during Chinese New Year, too many celebrations!!! Usually its easier to buy them...

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