Cash Bakery

Its actually my little kitchen that I experience all kinds of recipe that I come across. Its also the place where I make favourite food for my loved ones.


Monday, 30 September 2013

Japanese Sponge Cheesecake ~

  First time I tried to do this cheesecake... Luckily it turn out perfectly... My hardwork to study and research on the recipe paid off... In conclusion... I find these 2 blogger has very important notes, visit them if you want good tips..   Usually...

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Watercress dip in wasabi sauce ~

  The weather is extremely hot out there... Come over this recipe online and then I go and dig out my watercress and did this snack for my "boss" who is so busy working at home...   The eggs was to add colour but to my surprise it taste really good with the sauce...   You can see how Ochikeron does it in the youtube below. What I add is smashed hard boiled...

Monday, 9 September 2013

Rambutan Prawn ~ A refreshing appetizer

  In these hot summer days, how about addidng some fruit in your food, thats what I thought when I was trying out this new dish. It actually taste quite refreshing with a taste of sweetness and sourness, a perfect dish as appetizer....     Maybe next time I should try it with other fruits, like strawberry.. mango...lychee and etc...   Ingredients12pcs...

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