Cash Bakery

Its actually my little kitchen that I experience all kinds of recipe that I come across. Its also the place where I make favourite food for my loved ones.


Friday, 31 May 2013

Cantonese Porridge with meat balls ~

  My "boss" is sick... So I decided to cook porridge for him...   As Chinese, we always eat porridge when we are sick, maybe because when you dont have appetite, simple porridge is good and its not oily. Porridge is also good in clearing your instestine...     Personally I prefer Cantonese porridge and here are the recipe:     Ingredients: -...

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Green Bean Soup (Bubur Kacang Hijau) ~ Traditional Indonesia dessert

        In Asian country, especially the Chinese, we are always advised by our parents to drink green bean soup so as not to get too heaty and fall sick... Green Beans are excellent for detox purposes (if well cooked). Such detox include the cleansing of all those electric charges / radiation that are clinging to us due to long...

Pickled Mustard Soup ~ 咸菜汤

Chinese soup is actually very easy to do, and my "boss" (darling) always like to order the following soup. Let me share with you my own simple recipe.. Ingredients: 1 packet of Pickled Mustard 2 pcs of tomato Roasted meat (you can use duck but you got to add some ginger) 100 g shimeiji mushroom 2 pcs bird eye chilli (optional) 750ml of water 1/4 tsp salt Directions: Boil...

Friday, 24 May 2013

~ Nutella Dorayaki ~ {Doraemon favourite Snack}

  Doraemon is always my favourite cartoon since little...   My favourite statement every day is "How I wish I have Doraemon, do I can have the door to anywhere n etc...". You will know what I meant if you watch the cartoon...   Therefore I am excited when I saw the recipe of the favourite snack of my Doraemon...     DORAYAKI  and its...

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Japanese style Paella ~

    Saw the recipe from a magazine and thought of trying them out. Of cos I replace some of the ingredients to what I have in my fridge. Its actually very easy, just need throw all the ingredients in and wait... Try it out!!! ...

Monday, 6 May 2013

Hokkaido Cupcakes

  Mother's Day is around the corner...   I have always wanted to do this cupcake, tried the recipe from blogger below and turn out really not bad consider first attempt .... Enjoy!!!         ...

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