Cash Bakery

Its actually my little kitchen that I experience all kinds of recipe that I come across. Its also the place where I make favourite food for my loved ones.


Sunday, 5 April 2015

Traditional Kue Lapis Indonesia ~

Ok... I did it!!! 20 layers!!! I know this is a very challenging cake to do, there are 3 most important ingredients in doing it which is: 1. Patience 2. Patience 3. And lots of patience. But no worries....when you catch the "feel", its actually pretty simple compare to Macaron in my opinion... Now, lets be serious, the 3 most important ingredients in making Kue Lapis...

Thursday, 26 March 2015

Minions Tokyo Banana

After I finished this favorite snack from Tokyo, I searched around for the recipe and realized its quite easy to make. So we don't need to wait for another trip to Tokyo to enjoy this no.1 souvenir. Yield: 8 Tokyo Banana Recipe adapted from Ochikeron Banana Custard Cream Ingredients 100g Banana (smashed in blender until smooth) 1 Egg 1 Tablespoon...

Monday, 2 February 2015

Baa Baa White Sheep ~ German Cookie (Deutsche Kekse)

I did these cute cookies after seeing many bakers doing it for upcoming Chinese New Year which happened to be a Goat Year. Hopefully these fatty Baa Baa White Sheep will bring me lots of fortune, luck and happiness and same to you who is reading this blog. If you never taste a German Cookie before, it actually taste like the Wang Wang biscuit and it melts in mouth. The...

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Mie Sop Medan

This is a very famous street food all over Indonesia and especially from Medan. I used to eat them quite often when I was a kid so its a sweet memory food. When I am not in Indonesia and miss the food, I can only prepared them in my kitchen and of cos its not as convenient as when you can just order from the street. Some effort is required especially getting all the spices...

Thursday, 22 January 2015

Kueh Bangkit

Chinese New Year is around the corner... Soon we will say good bye to the Horse and welcome the Goat... But I will stick my love to Doraemon the Cat and never say good bye... ok enough of my lame joke... I was inspired by the movie Stand By Me to do kueh bangkit out of their normal shape ... which is Doraemon... I thought I will fail but I did it although they are not...

Monday, 15 December 2014

Chocolate Log Cake House

This year Christmas I thought of making something fun in the kitchen, Logcake House using basic recipe like sponge cake, butter cream and all kind of decoration goodies that you like. If you have lots of kids coming to your party, they will be delighted as they can pull out their favorite snacks from the cake, some may like like chocolate, others may prefer wafer or cookies....

Monday, 1 December 2014

Reindeer Cake Pop

Chocolate Cake Pops Yield: 24 using the Nordic Cake Pop Mould Ingredients: 130g dark chocolate chips (at least 65% if you prefer less sweet)  100g butter 100g caster sugar 22g cocoa powder 2 eggs 96g all purpose flour (or 96g cake flour + 1 tsp. baking powder) 1/4 tsp. salt Decoration: 340g chocolate coating (not chocolate chips, for easy decoration as it does not...

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